The batch job system in CSC’s HPC environment

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What is a batch job? 1/2

  • On a laptop you might be used to start a program (job) by clicking an icon, which starts the job instantly
  • If we start many jobs at the same time, we occasionally encounter problems like running out of memory etc.
  • In an HPC environment, the computer is shared among hundreds to thousands of other users who all have different resource needs
  • HPC batch jobs include a resource request, which corresponds to an estimate of how much resources the job is expected to use

What is a batch job? 2/2

  • A batch job consists of two parts: A resource request and the actual computing step
  • A job does not start directly, but is sent to a queue
  • Depending on the requested resources and current load on the system, the job may need to wait for a while before starting
  • At CSC (and HPC systems in general), all heavy computing must be done via batch jobs (see our usage policy)

What is a batch job system?

  • A resource management system that keeps track of all jobs that use, or would like to use, the computing resources
  • Aims to share the resources in an efficient and fair way among all users
  • Optimizes resource usage by filling the compute nodes so that there will be as little idling resources as possible

Queueing and fair share of resources

  • A job is queued and starts when the requested resources become available
  • The order in which the queued jobs start depends on their priority and currently available resources
  • At CSC, the priority is configured to use “fair share”
    • The initial priority of a job decreases if the user has recently run lots of jobs
    • Over time (while queueing) its priority increases and eventually it will run
    • Some queues have a lower priority (e.g. longrun – use shorter if you can!)
  • See our documentation for more information on Getting started with running batch jobs on Puhti/Mahti and LUMI.

Schema of how the batch job scheduler works

The batch job system in CSC’s HPC environment

  • CSC uses a batch job system called Slurm to manage resources
  • Slurm is used to control how the overall computing resources are shared among all jobs in an efficient and fair manner
  • Slurm controls how a single job request is allocated resources, such as:
    • computing time
    • number of cores
    • amount of memory
    • other resources like GPUs, local disk, etc.
  • Getting started with Slurm batch jobs on Puhti/Mahti and LUMI

An example serial batch job script for Puhti

  • A batch script is a shell script (bash) that consists of two sections:
    • Resource requests flagged with #SBATCH and the actual computing step(s)
#SBATCH --job-name=print_hostname   # Defines the job name shown in the queue
#SBATCH --time=00:01:00             # Defines the max time the job can run
#SBATCH --partition=test            # Defines the queue in which to run the job
#SBATCH --ntasks=1                  # Defines the number of tasks (processes)
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1           # Total number of cores is ntasks * cpus-per-task
#SBATCH --account=<project>         # Defines the billing project, e.g. project_2001234 (mandatory field)

srun echo "Hello $USER! You are on node $HOSTNAME"
  • The options are described in Docs CSC: Create Puhti batch jobs
    • The actual program is launched using the srun command
    • The content above could be copied into a file serial.bash and submitted to the queue with sbatch simple_serial.bash

Using an application-specific batch script template

  • The application pages in Docs CSC contain example scripts for some software
  • Use these as the starting point for your own scripts
  • They have been tested and optimized (although for minimal resources) for that application
    • Consult the official manual or other examples to adapt to your own needs
    • Ask for support:

Submitting, cancelling and status of batch jobs

  • A batch job script is submitted to the queue with the command:
    • sbatch
  • List all your jobs that are queuing/running:
    • squeue -u $USER
  • Detailed info of a queuing/running job:
    • scontrol show job <jobid>
  • A job can be deleted using the command:
    • scancel <jobid>
  • Display the resource usage and efficiency of a completed job:
    • seff <jobid>

Available batch job partitions

  • The available batch job partitions are listed in Docs CSC
  • In order to use the resources efficiently, it is important to estimate the resource request as accurately as possible
  • By avoiding excessive “just-in-case” requests, the job will start earlier

Different types of HPC jobs

  • Typically, an HPC job can be classified as serial, parallel or GPU, depending on the main requested resources
  • The following slides will present an overview of different job types
  • A serial job is the simplest type of job, whereas parallel and GPU jobs require advanced software and programming methods to fully utilise their capacity
    • Note that GPU-jobs are in principle also parallel, but they run on different hardware (GPUs instead of CPUs) and are programmed differently
  • If you use pre-installed applications, please ensure what kind of resources they need to run efficiently (serial, parallel or GPU)

HPC serial jobs

  • A serial software can only use a single core, so don’t reserve more!
  • Why could your serial job benefit from being run using CSC’s resources instead of on your own computer?
    • Part of a larger workflow (high-throughput computing)
    • Avoid data transfer between the supercomputers and your own computer
    • Data sharing among other project members
    • CSC’s software licensing
    • Pre-installed software
    • Memory and/or disk demands

Running multiple serial jobs

  • You can utilize HPC resources for running multiple independent serial jobs at the same time (task farming)
  • Pure serial resources are only available in Puhti
    • Some tools, e.g. HyperQueue, can make a set of serial jobs suitable for Mahti
    • But, the workflow needs to fill (at least) one Mahti node and keep the CPUs busy for the job duration
  • When running many jobs, make sure that you don’t overload the batch queue system or the parallel file system (mind your I/O and job steps)!

HPC parallel jobs

  • A parallel job distributes the calculation over several cores in order to achieve a shorter wall-time (and/or a larger allocatable memory)
    • The total computational problem is divided into subtasks, which are processed by each core in parallel
  • There are two major parallelization standards: OpenMP and MPI
    • Note, depending on the parallellization scheme there is a slight difference between how the resource reservation is done
  • Batch job scripts for Puhti (how to create and examples), Mahti (how to create and examples) and LUMI (quickstart, CPU and GPU examples)
  • The best starting point: Software specific batch scripts in Docs CSC

HPC GPU jobs

  • A graphics processing unit (GPU, a graphics card), is capable of doing a certain type of simultaneous calculations very efficiently
  • In order to take advantage of this power, an application must be (re)programmed to adapt to how the GPUs process data
  • CSC’s GPU resources on Puhti and Mahti are relatively scarce and should be used only by applications that really benefit from GPUs
    • A GPU on Puhti/Mahti uses 60 times more billing units than a single CPU core - see above for performance requirements
    • In practice, 1-10 CPUs (but not more) should be allocated per GPU on Puhti
    • Note that LUMI-G has a massive GPU capacity available, which is also “cheaper” as measured in BUs compared to Puhti/Mahti

Interactive jobs

  • When you login to CSC’s supercomputers, you end up on one of the login nodes of the supercomputer
  • If you have a heavier job that still requires interaction
    • Request resources from the interactive partition using the sinteractive command
    • This will open an interactive shell where you can perform your computations directly on a compute node instead of the login node
  • Interactive jobs and GUIs can also be launched in the web interfaces
    • Jupyter notebooks, RStudio, TensorBoard, MATLAB, VSCode, …