Allas object storage service

This topic is about using Allas and storing data.

All materials (c) 2020-2024 by CSC – IT Center for Science Ltd. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 Unported License,

The Allas object storage: what is it?

  • Allas is a CEPH-based object storage service for all CSC computing and cloud services
  • Possible to upload data from personal laptops or organizational storage systems into Allas
  • Meant for data storage during project lifetime
    • All project members have equal access to the data in Allas
    • Default quota is 10 TB per project
  • Clients available on Puhti and Mahti

The Allas object storage: what it is NOT

  • Allas is not a file system (even though many tools try to fool you to think so)
    • It is just a place for static data objects
  • Allas is not a data management environment
    • Tools for search, metadata, version control and access management are minimal
  • Allas is not a proper backup service
    • Project members can delete all the data with just one command

Storing files in Allas

  • An object is stored on multiple servers
    • A disk or server failure does not cause data loss
  • There is no backup, i.e. if a file is accidentally deleted, it cannot be recovered
  • Data cannot be modified in the object storage
    • For computation, the data has to be typically copied to a file system on some computer
  • Some data management features are built on top of Allas
  • Data can be shared publicly to the Internet, which is otherwise not easily possible at CSC

Allas buckets

  • Storage space in Allas is provided per CSC project
  • The project space can have multiple buckets (up to 1000)
    • Some sources refer to buckets as containers
      • Must not be confused with Docker/Apptainer containers!
  • The name of the bucket must be unique within Allas

Allas objects

  • Data is stored as objects within a bucket
    • Objects can contain any type of data (generally, object == file)
    • Objects have metadata that can be enriched
  • In Allas, you can have 500 000 objects per bucket
  • There is only one level of hierarchy of buckets (no buckets within buckets)
    • There is no hierarchical directory structure, although it sometimes looks like that

Allas supports two protocols

  • S3 (used by s3cmd, rclone, a-tools)
  • Swift (used by swift, rclone, a-tools, cyberduck)
  • Authentication and file handling is different for the protocols
  • Avoid cross-using Swift and S3-based objects!

Allas clients

Allas – first steps

Allas – rclone

  • Straightforward power-user tool with a wide range of features
  • Fast and efficient
  • Available for Linux, Mac and Windows
  • Overwrites and removes data without asking!

Allas – a-tools

  • a-tools provide an easy and safe way to use Allas for occasional Allas users
  • Default bucket names are based on directories on Puhti/Mahti
  • Unlike rclone, a-tools does not overwrite or remove data without asking!
  • Developed for the CSC supercomputers, but you can install the tools in other Linux and Mac machines as well
  • Automatic packing (compression can be enabled as well if needed)
  • a-commands instructions at Docs CSC

Issues with Allas

  • 8-hour connection limit with swift
  • No way to check quota
  • Moving data inside Allas is not possible (swift)
  • No way to freeze data
    • Use two projects if you need to prevent others from editing your data
  • Different interfaces may work in different ways

Questions that users should consider

  • Should I store each file as a separate object, or should I collect them into bigger chunks?
    • In general: consider how you use the data
  • Should I use compression?
  • Who can use the data: projects and access rights?
  • What will happen to my data later on?
  • How to keep track of all the data I have in Allas?

Fairdata services

  • – Services to manage scientific data according to FAIR principles
  • Suitable for all static digital research material and related metadata
  • Free of charge for users in Finnish higher education institutions and research institutes
  • IDA: storage for research data
  • Qvain: Describe your dataset and get a persistent indentifier for it
  • Etsin: Discover datasets based on metadata

Sensitive data services

  • CSC Sensitive Data Services for processing sensitive data
  • SD Desktop is a secure virtual desktop
    • Controlled access
    • Data importing only through the SD Connect service
    • Isolation from the Internet
    • No direct data export
  • Allas could be used for sensitive data, but only if the data is properly encrypted