How to speed up jobs

All materials (c) 2020-2024 by CSC – IT Center for Science Ltd. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 Unported License,


  • How to choose your software
  • Speeding up jobs through parallel programming
  • Benefits and pitfalls of workflows and high-throughput computing

The purpose of large computers

  • In principle, supercomputers are not much faster than laptops – they are simply bigger
    • For fast computation, they utilize parallelism (and typically have special disk, memory and network solutions, too)
  • Parallelism simplified:
    • You split a problem into smaller subtasks and solve them all simultaneously using numerous cores

First steps for fast jobs (1/2)

  • Spend a little time to investigate:
    • Which of the available software would be the best to solve the kind of problem you have?
  • Consider:
    • The software that solves your problem the fastest might not always be the best!
      • Issues like ease-of-use and memory/disk demands are also highly relevant
    • Start simple and gradually use more complex approaches if needed

First steps for fast jobs (2/2)

Optimize the performance of your code (1/2)

  • When compiling a program, possibly one that you’ve written yourself, remember to use optimizing compiler flags
  • Construct a small and quick test case and run it in the test queue
    • Docs: Available partitions on Puhti, Mahti and LUMI
    • Use the test case to optimize computations before starting massive ones

Optimize the performance of your code (2/2)

HPC parallel jobs

  • It is not just how your software is constructed and compiled that affects performance – how it is parallelized and run are important factors, too!
  • Recall: a parallel job distributes the calculation over several cores in order to achieve a shorter wall-clock time

Parallel programming models

  • Parallel execution is based on threads or processes (or both) which run at the same time on different CPU cores
  • Processes
    • Interaction is based on exchanging messages between processes
      • Can form a performance bottleneck!
    • MPI (Message Passing Interface)
  • Threads
    • Shared memory, i.e. each thread can directly access data of other threads
      • Easier to program, but problems may arise with race conditions, i.e. when different threads update same data without proper synchronization
    • OpenMP (Open Multi-Processing)

MPI and OpenMP standards

MPI: Processes

  • MPI launches N processes at application startup
  • Independent execution units
  • Have their own memory
  • Works over multiple nodes

OpenMP: Threads

  • Threads are created and destroyed (parallel regions)
  • Threads share memory
  • Limited to a single node

Hybrid programming: Launch threads (OpenMP)
within processes (MPI)

  • Shared memory programming inside a node, message passing between nodes → matches well modern supercomputer hardware
  • Pros and cons:
    • Fewer MPI processes for a given amount of cores
      • All-to-all communication bottlenecks alleviated
      • Decreased memory consumption if implementation uses replicated data
    • Possible to dedicate threads to specific tasks
    • More complicated to program, overhead from thread creation/destruction
  • Optimum MPI task per node ratio depends on the application and should always be experimented!

Parallel scaling

  • Requesting more cores does not automatically equal faster jobs!
  • Scalability can be limited by:
    1. Load imbalance (variation in workload among cores)
    2. Parallel overheads (additional operations which are not present in serial calculation)
    3. Synchronization, communication
    4. Fraction of serial code limits maximum speedup (Amdahl’s law)

Self-study materials for OpenMP and MPI

Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) can speed up jobs

  • GPUs are massively parallel processors originally developed for computer graphics
  • They can be used for science, but are often challenging to program
    • Not all algorithms can use the full power of GPUs!
  • Check the manual to find out if your software can utilize GPUs
  • Does your code run on AMD GPUs? LUMI has a massive GPU capacity!

GPU programming models

  • GPUs are co-processors to the CPU
  • CPU controls the workflow:
    1. offloads computations to GPU by launching kernels
    2. allocates and deallocates memory on GPUs
    3. handles data transfers between CPU and GPUs
  • GPU kernels run multiple threads and multiple kernels may run concurrently on same GPU
  • When using multiple GPUs, CPU typically runs multiple processes or threads

Workflows and high-throughput computing

  • An HPC workflow/pipeline typically consists of:
    1. Pre-processing of input data
    2. Computation, often in multiple steps, possibly with dependencies
    3. Post-processing of output data
  • Automation can save human time, but brings additional complexity
    • You should understand how your tools work
    • Workflows designed for a laptop/cloud environment must often be modified to run efficiently on HPC
    • See general guidelines in Docs CSC

Workflows and Slurm

  • Slurm keeps a detailed track of jobs and used resources:
    • Amount and location of CPU cores and GPUs, memory limits, local storage, job lifetime, etc.
    • Information recorded in an internal Slurm job accounting database
  • Large number of short (<30 min) jobs generate lots of accounting data and scheduling uses more resources than the actual jobs!
  • To avoid:
    • Large number of (short) jobs (sbatch commands)
    • Large number of job steps (srun commands)
    • Polling Slurm commands (squeue, sacct, etc. commands)

Workflows and Lustre

  • Workflows quite often involve processing large datasets, which can be problematic for parallel file systems like Lustre at CSC
  • To avoid:
    • Accessing lots of small files, having many files in a single directory
      • Recall the issues caused by Conda!
    • Large files on a single object storage target (i.e. no striping)
    • Opening and closing a file in a rapid pace
      • Includes database operations
    • Using file locks for synchronization
      • Writing to same file from many nodes

How much is too much?

  • It is hard to give exact numbers as Slurm and Lustre are shared resources
    • When total system load is low, it may be OK to run something that is problematic when system is full
  • How many jobs/steps is too many?
    • SHOULD BE OK to run tens of jobs/steps
    • PAY ATTENTION if you run hundreds of jobs/steps
    • DON’T RUN several thousands of jobs/steps
  • How many file operations is too many?
    • SHOULD BE OK to access hundreds of files
    • PAY ATTENTION if you need several thousand files
    • DON’T USE hundreds of thousands of files

It is important to understand your workflow

  • How many tasks?
  • Are there dependencies/conditionals between tasks?
  • Resource requirements and scalability (serial vs. OpenMP vs. MPI)
  • Duration
  • I/O behavior, what kind and how much extra/bookkeeping files are created?
  • Need for error handling and checkpointing?
  • How is your tool polling / using Slurm?

If you have lots of small jobs and/or files (1/2)

  • Task farming – running many similar independent jobs simultaneously
    • For 100+ jobs, regroup your tasks and execute them in a single job (step)
  • Check the tool you’re using, there may be built-in support for running many tasks within a single job step (best option!)
  • External tools: Array jobs*, HyperQueue
    • Array jobs are simply a Slurm feature for submitting many jobs from a single batch script – don’t submit hundreds of short jobs!
    • HyperQueue is a meta-scheduler, which allows you to pack many (non-MPI) jobs within a single job step (recommended!)

If you have lots of small jobs and/or files (2/2)

  • In more complex cases (dependencies, error handling), workflow managers such as Nextflow, Snakemake or FireWorks can be used
    • HyperQueue integration for Nextflow and Snakemake already available!
    • See Docs CSC for more details
  • When working with lots of small files:

Summary (1/2)

  • Different codes may give very different performance for a given use case
  • Before launching massive jobs, start with small/fast tests and look for the most efficient algorithms
    • Start with coarse models and parameter scans and gradually increase precision/resolution (if needed)
    • Brute-force approach vs. enhanced sampling methods or AI/ML models
  • Try to formulate your scientific results when you have a minimum amount of computational results
    • Helps to clarify what you still need to compute, what computations would be redundant and what data you need to store

Summary (2/2)

  • Simply requesting more cores does not automatically equal faster jobs
    • Parallel scaling is usually limited by many factors (e.g. communication, fraction of serial code)
    • Perform a scalability test and also check with seff/sacct if the memory was used efficiently
      • Software log/output files may also contain useful performance information
  • Avoid running lots of short Slurm jobs and mind your I/O
    • Use built-in or external tools to pack many tasks in a single job step
    • Use local disks and containerize Conda environments
  • Use checkpoints/restarts if supported by your software, especially when running long jobs