Snakemake Hackathon in CSC Supercomputers

All material (C) 2021-2024 by CSC -IT Center for Science Ltd. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 Unported License,


  • Primer on CSC HPC environment
  • Running Snakemake workflows at CSC
  • Good practices for running high-throughput workflows

CSC Computing Environment at Glance

  • Puhti: A general-purpose supercomputer
  • Mahti: A massively parallel supercomputer
  • LUMI: A European pre-exascale supercomputer operated by CSC
  • Pouta: Cloud resources offered via OpenStack (IaaS)
  • Rahti: Container-as-a-platform service via Openshift/K8S (PaaS)
  • Allas: Cloud-based object storage for all services

Connecting to CSC Supercomputers

  • A simple way is to login via web interface
  • Login with SSH
    • Commandline access to the supercomputers
    • Mac and Linux have SSH. On Windows, Powershell can be used, but we recommend the web interfaces, or clients like MobaXterm or PuTTY
    • Plain SSH will not allow displaying remote graphics

Main Disk Areas in Puhti/Mahti

  • Home directory ($HOME)
    • Other users cannot access your home directory
  • ProjAppl directory (/projappl/project_name)
    • Shared with project members
    • Possible to limit access (chmod g-rw) to subfolders
  • Scratch directory (/scratch/project_name)
    • Shared with other project members
    • Files older than 180 days will be automatically removed on Puhti
  • These directories reside on the Lustre parallel file system
  • Default quotas and more info in disk areas section of Docs CSC

Additional Fast Local Disk Areas

  • $TMPDIR on login nodes
    • Each of the login nodes have 2900 GiB of fast local storage in $TMPDIR
    • The local disk is meant for temporary storage (e.g. compiling software) and is cleaned frequently
  • NVMe disks on some compute nodes on Puhti
    • Interactive, I/O and GPU nodes have fast local disks (NVMe) in $LOCAL_SCRATCH
    • Also, the GPU nodes on Mahti have fast local storage available
    • You must copy data to and from the fast disk during your batch job since the NVMe is accessible only during your job allocation
    • If your job reads and/or writes a lot of small files, using this can give a huge performance boost!

The Allas Object Storage

  • Allas is a CSC cloud storage service
  • Possible to upload data from personal laptops or organizational storage systems into Allas
  • Meant for data storage during the lifetime of your CSC projects
  • Allas accessing tools (e.g., a-tools, rclone) available on Puhti and Mahti
  • Allas is NOT a backup service

Submitting Jobs to CSC Supercomputers

  • Login nodes are used to set up jobs (and to launch them)
  • Jobs are run on the compute nodes
  • A batch job system (scheduler) is used to run and manage the jobs
    • On CSC machines, we use Slurm
    • The syntax is different but basic operation is similar

Module Systems in Supercomputers

  • CSC uses module system to manage software stack with different (possibly conflicting) requirements
  • The general syntax: module load modulename
  • Other useful module commands:
    • module avail: Modules currently available for loading (hides modules that can’t be loaded at the moment due to dependencies)
    • module spider modulename: Search for an application in the list of all existing modules
    • module spider modulename/version: Gives information on how to load a specific version of a module (prerequisites etc.)

Submitting, Cancelling and Status of Batch Jobs

  • A batch job script is submitted to the queue with the command:
    • sbatch
  • List all your jobs that are queuing/running:
    • squeue -u $USER
  • Detailed info of a queuing/running job:
    • scontrol show job <jobid>
  • A job can be deleted using the command:
    • scancel <jobid>
  • Display the resource usage and efficiency of a completed job:
    • seff <jobid>

Getting Started with Snakemake at CSC

  • Use pre-installed Snakemake as a module:
    • Puhti: module load snakemake/version
    • LUMI :
      • module use /appl/local/csc/modulefiles/
      • module load snakemake/8.4.6
  • Do your own installations
  • Install your application stack:
    • Local installations (as modules or custom installations)
    • Docker engine (Not possible)
    • Singularity/Apptainer
    • Conda (Not supported at CSC)

Methods of Running Snakemake at CSC

  • Deploy Snakemake with native slurm executor
    • Jobs can spread across full cluster
    • Pay attention to overheads (Slurm accounting DB/Batch Queueing)
  • Submit Snakemake workflow as a normal batch job
    • Can request full node
  • Deploy Snakemake using HyperQueue as a sub-job scheduler
    • Can use multiple nodes

Deploying Snakemake with Native slurm Executor

  • Syntax for slurm executor depends on Snakemake version/plugin
  • Submits a job to cluster for each rule
  • Not for large number of small sub-job steps (<30 min)
module load snakemake/8.4.6

snakemake -s Snakefile --jobs 1 \
 --latency-wait 60 \
 --executor cluster-generic \
 --cluster-generic-submit-cmd "sbatch --time 10 \
 --account=project_xxxx --job-name=hello-world \
 --tasks-per-node=1 --cpus-per-task=1 --mem-per-cpu=4000 --partition=test"


snakemake --jobs 1  -s Snakefile \
--executor slurm --default-resources \
slurm_account=project_xxxx slurm_partition=test

Submit Snakemake as a Batch Job

  • One can request more resources if needed
  • All rules are run in the same job allocation
#SBATCH --job-name=myTest
#SBATCH --account=project_xxxxx
#SBATCH --time=00:10:00
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=2G
#SBATCH --partition=test
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=4

module load snakemake/8.4.6
snakemake -s Snakefile --use-singularity --jobs 4

Running Snakemake Using HyperQueue Executor

Good Practices for Running HT Workflows

  • Avoid unnecessary reads and writes of data on Lustre file system to improve I/O performance
    • If unavoidable, use fast local NVMe disk, not Lustre (i.e. /scratch)
  • Don’t run too many/short job steps – they will bloat Slurm accounting DB
    • Avoid slurm scheduler
  • Don’t run too long jobs without a restarting option.

Good Practices for Running HT Workflows

  • Don’t use Conda installations on Lustre (/projappl, /scratch, $HOME)
    • Containerize Conda environments instead to improve performance
  • Don’t create a lot of files, especially within a single folder
  • If you’re creating 10 000+ files, you should probably rethink your workflow
  • Consider removing temporary files after job is finished
  • Whenever possible, separate serial jobs from parallel ones for efficient usage of resourses.

Good Practices for Running HT Workflows

  • Use version control of tools for reproducibility
  • Use containers for easy portability
  • Set singularity/Apptainer cache directory to scratch folder (to avoid blowing up home directory)
  • Avoid big databases on Lustre or any databases inside of a container
  • If you are downloading lot of data on the fly in your workflow, try to stage it locally.