CSC Spring School in Computational Chemistry 2023

This is a collaborative “notebook” for the CSC Spring School in Computational Chemistry organised 26-28.4.2023 by CSC - IT Center for Science.

:calendar: The latest updates on the course schedule can be found in here.
:interrobang: This is also the place to ask questions about the school content!

:bulb: Hint: HedgeDoc is great for sharing information in this kind of courses, as the code formatting is nice & easy with MarkDown! Just add backticks (`) for the code blocks.
Otherwise, it’s like Google docs as it allows simultaneous editing. There’s a section for practice down there ⬇️

💻 How we work

Code of conduct

We strive to follow the Code of Conduct developed by The Carpentries organisation to foster a welcoming environment for everyone. In short:

Wednesday 26.4

Thursday 27.4

Friday 28.4

Important info for Friday’s hands-ons!
All notebooks will be run locally on the classroom workstations. This is how you get access to the notebooks and install everything that is needed:

  1. First, open a terminal (right-click on the desktop and select “Open Terminal”)
  2. The, run the following commands one by one. Wait for each one to complete before running the following:
git clone
cd spring_school2023_notebooks
bash -i
  1. Close and reopen the terminal and run the commands:
conda activate csc_spring  # ignore the warning
jupyter lab

📅 Agenda

Day 1: Wednesday 26.4.

Time Content
8:45 Registration
9:00 Welcome and intro
9:15 Introduction to classical molecular dynamics
10:00 Break
10:15 Introduction to classical MD contd.
11:00 Break
11:15 Practical info and MD hands-on
12:00 Lunch break
13:00 MD hands-on contd.
14:30 Break
14:45 MD hands-on contd.
16:15 Break
16:30 Poster session Snacks, refreshments
19:00 Poster session finishes

Day 2: Thursday 27.4.

Time Content
9:00 Welcome and intro
9:10 Introduction to quantum chemistry
10:00 Break
10:15 Introduction to QC contd.
11:00 Break
11:15 Introduction to QC contd.
12:00 Lunch break
13:00 QC hands-on
14:30 Break
14:45 QC hands-on contd.
16:15 Transition to sauna lobby
16:30 Talk, dinner and sauna

Day 3: Friday 28.4.

Time Content
9:00 Welcome and intro
9:10 Machine learning in chemistry
10:00 Break
10:15 Machine learning in chemistry contd.
11:00 Break
11:15 Machine learning in chemistry contd.
12:00 Lunch break
13:00 Enhanced sampling methods
14:30 Break
14:45 Visualization
16:15 Closing and goodbyes

☃️ ICE BREAKER (HedgeDoc -practice)

Ice breakers

Let’s learn how to use this HedgeDoc document by answering an ice breaker question!

Q1: What is your research focused on / what methods have you used in your research/studies so far?


ChatGPT vs. Hector

Q2: What are your expectations for today’s sessions?


Q3: Name one interesting/surprising thing you’ve learned during the spring school so far!


📝 Q & A

Your questions are answered here. We will answer them, and this document will store the answers for you for later use! :rocket:

Scroll :arrow_down: to the bottom of the page to submit a question

The small pencil icon for entering edit mode for the first time. You might need to scroll all the way up to see it.
The icon corresponding to the edit link with title "Edit this note"

The bigger HedgeDoc toolbar for switching between modes later on.
The toolbar from which the different modes can be accessed. You can also switch between edit and view mode using hotkeys ctrl-alt-v and ctrl-alt-e respectively

:bulb: Hint: You can also apply styling from the toolbar at the top :arrow_upper_left: of the editing area.

✏️ Add your questions here

Please type your questions ON THE BOTTOM OF THIS SECTION. We will answer them, and organise the document topically.

For normal molecules nrexcl is set to 3. This means that intra vdw and electrostatic are those within 3 bonds distances. This means that 1-2, 1-3 are not considered. They are instead encoded using bonds and angles. The boundary 1-4 is encoded in a special way that allows some tuning if needed, e.g., using the [pairs] keyword. But in force field such as CHARMM they are simply normal van der waals and electrostatic interactions on top of the dihedrals.

The things get more complex if the general nonbonded interactions of the involved atoms are customized using [ nonbond_params ], as those do not apply to 1-4 pairs. Then for nrexcl=3, pairs beyond 1-4 are simply treated as any other non bonded term.

There is no straight implementation for setting specifically a particular 1-5, 1-6 and so for. But if you really want it can be done by changing their atom types and setting the resulting pairs to particular values using [ nonbond_params ]. b) Yes. Still, if you really would like them to be different you can customize them using [ nonbond_params ] althought it gets very painful.